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US $150.00

Introduction to Documentary Collections

This introductory course provides a practical overview of the first type of trade financing instrument based on shipping documents and bank intermediation. In the trade world this operation is also known as “Collection”.
GTC Core Courses
US $22.00

Uniform Rules for Collections – URC 522

The ICC Uniform Rules for Collections are a practical set of Rules to aid bankers, buyers, and sellers in the collections process. The Rules have been prepared to resolve problems that practitioners have experienced in their everyday operations since 1979.
US $1099.00

Global Trade Certificate (GTC)

The Global Trade Certificate (GTC) is an introductory-level online certification providing a comprehensive understanding of trade finance products – from letters of credit through to supply chain financing techniques. It’s an ideal programme for professionals wanting to build an understanding of the nuts and bolts of global trade
Certification Programmes