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US $200.00

Advanced Commodity Finance

In this course, you will learn about the three types of commodities, their features, and the risks involved. Additionally, the course will cover how the major players and trading houses in this sector are shaping the supply chains and their respective roles.
Language: English ‎(en)‎
US $200.00

Advanced Documentary Credits

This course provides a detailed review of Documentary Credits, from structuring and issuance to document verification to financing and settlement.
Language: English ‎(en)‎
US $200.00

Advanced Guarantees

This course provides important training on the issuance of guarantees, the use of counter guarantees, more complex transactions and the global standards that govern them.
Language: English ‎(en)‎
US $200.00

Advanced Standby Letters of Credit

This Advanced Letters of Credit course will take an in-depth look at how standby letters of credit work, many of the purposes for which they can be used, the rules and regulations governing them, and problems that can arise around them.
Language: English ‎(en)‎
US $200.00

Advanced Supply Chain Finance

This course will give you an in-depth understanding of the key events in the physical supply chain and their financial consequences, as well as the relevant application of supply chain finance products.
Language: English ‎(en)‎
US $200.00

Advanced Working Capital for Trade

The Advanced Working Capital for Trade course will enhance your understanding of the cash flow and working capital cycle of commercial companies of all sizes.
Language: English ‎(en)‎
US $150.00

Business Transactions and Contracts

This course takes a closer look at the differences between the world’s various legal systems, which will assist you in strategically managing legal and contractual risks, as well as examining why dispute resolution is so important in international trade.
Language: English ‎(en)‎
US $150.00

Descripción general del comercio internacional

Este curso las prácticas y procedimientos en las ventas de exportación y el proceso de comercio internacional, además de esbozar la secuencia de acontecimientos en una transacción de comercio internacional.
Language: Español - Internacional ‎(es)‎
US $200.00

Digital Trade Finance & Fintechs

The Digital Trade Finance course will provide you with an overview of the Digital Trade Finance/Digital Commerce world including the advent of Fintechs, the legal, regulatory & commercialisation challenges involved, and describe broad ranged trends and solutions that are available to support international trade.
US $150.00

Dispositivos de Financiamiento y Seguridad

Este curso ofrece una amplia visión de los distintos instrumentos de pago, incluido el muy utilizado Crédito Documentario (también conocido como "carta de crédito") y las normas internacionales que los rigen.
Language: Español - Internacional ‎(es)‎
US $200.00

Export Finance

This course looks at the key role export credits with official export credit agencies (ECAs) play in financing international trade, particularly in developing nations.
Language: English ‎(en)‎
US $200.00


The objective of this course is to enable students to understand the fundamentals of factoring, the different types of factoring that can be used and the process for factoring other types of receivables financing.
US $150.00

Financing and Security Devices

This course gives a broad overview of the various payment instruments including the widely used Documentary Credit (also known as “letter of credit”) and the international rules that govern them.
US $150.00

Gestión de Negocios Globales

Este curso tratará tres temas clave: 1) adaptar con éxito una estrategia en mercados extranjeros, 2) cómo los fracasos empresariales debidos a la falta de comunicación surgen de las diferencias culturales, y 3) comprender la naturaleza evolutiva del comercio justo en el mercado global actual.
Language: Español - Internacional ‎(es)‎
US $150.00

Global Business Management

There are three key themes this course will aim to address: 1) successfully adapting a strategy in foreign markets, 2) how business failures due to miscommunication arise from cultural differences, and 3) understanding the evolving nature of fair trade in today’s global marketplace.
US $150.00

International Logistics and Sourcing

Each of the primary modes of international transport (sea, air, road/rail, and multimodal) comprises a different set of commercial practices, freight calculations, and standard documents—a clear understanding of them is crucial to better appreciate the complexities of global trade.
US $150.00

International Trade Overview

This course reviews the practices and procedures in export sales and the international trade process, as well as outlining the sequence of events in an international trade transaction.
US $150.00

Introduction to Capital and Pricing

This course provides an introduction to the Basel III rules on Capital Adequacy and explains how Credit Risk and Liquidity Risk is measured.
US $150.00

Introduction to Cross Border Trade

This introductory course provides a practical overview of global trade and help you develop a good foundational understanding of the mechanisms, dynamics and key issues around international trade.
US $150.00

Introduction to Distributor Finance

This introductory course provides a practical overview of Distributor Finance. On completion of the course you will be able to engage effectively and credibly with clients, and recognize opportunities to propose Distributor Finance in its main varieties as a potential solution.