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US $399.00

Incoterms® 2020 - Certificat

Le Certificat Incoterms® 2020 est conçu pour fournir une connaissance pratique du premier outil de Commerce International de la CCI, les règles Incoterms® - un ensemble de 11 termes commerciaux standard régulièrement utilisés dans le commerce international.
Language: French
US $200.00

Advanced Commodity Finance

In this course, you will learn about the three types of commodities, their features, and the risks involved. Additionally, the course will cover how the major players and trading houses in this sector are shaping the supply chains and their respective roles.
Language: English ‎(en)‎
US $200.00

Advanced Documentary Credits

This course provides a detailed review of Documentary Credits, from structuring and issuance to document verification to financing and settlement.
Language: English ‎(en)‎
US $200.00

Advanced Guarantees

This course provides important training on the issuance of guarantees, the use of counter guarantees, more complex transactions and the global standards that govern them.
Language: English ‎(en)‎
US $200.00

Advanced Standby Letters of Credit

This Advanced Letters of Credit course will take an in-depth look at how standby letters of credit work, many of the purposes for which they can be used, the rules and regulations governing them, and problems that can arise around them.
Language: English ‎(en)‎
US $200.00

Advanced Supply Chain Finance

This course will give you an in-depth understanding of the key events in the physical supply chain and their financial consequences, as well as the relevant application of supply chain finance products.
Language: English ‎(en)‎
US $200.00

Advanced Working Capital for Trade

The Advanced Working Capital for Trade course will enhance your understanding of the cash flow and working capital cycle of commercial companies of all sizes.
Language: English ‎(en)‎
US $150.00

Business Transactions and Contracts

This course takes a closer look at the differences between the world’s various legal systems, which will assist you in strategically managing legal and contractual risks, as well as examining why dispute resolution is so important in international trade.
Language: English ‎(en)‎
US $699.00

Certificado de Exportación e Importación (EIC)

El Certificado de Exportación e Importación (EIC) proporciona conocimientos completos y prácticos sobre cómo realizar transacciones de exportación e importación y gestionar un negocio internacional. Este programa abarca una amplia gama de temas sobre transacciones y contratos comerciales internacionales, financiación de exportaciones e importaciones y dispositivos de seguridad, logística internacional, transporte marítimo y abastecimiento.
Language: Spanish
US $399.00

Certificado de Incoterms® 2020

El Certificado Incoterms® 2020 (INCO) está diseñado para proporcionar un conocimiento práctico de la principal herramienta de comercio internacional de la CCI, las Reglas Incoterms® - un conjunto de 11 términos comerciales estándar utilizados regularmente en el comercio internacional.
Language: Spanish
US$ 499.00

Certificate in Digital Trade Strategy (CDTS)

The objective of the course is to provide attendees with a deep understanding of the various components required to digitize trade and supply chain processes at scale. The student will leave the course with a macro level understanding of the various supply chain component parts applicable in trade, the standards relating to each component part, and how these can reduce friction in integration.
Language: English
US $199.00

Certificate In Responsible Green Marketing Communications (RGMC)

The objective of this certification is to give you a clear understanding of the difference between truthful, substantiated environmental marketing communications and false misleading statements that can lead to accusations of "greenwashing".
Language: English
US $350.00

Certificate on the Common Reporting Standard (CCRS)

Designed for compliance, finance and tax professionals, the Certificate on Common Reporting Standards (CCRS) aims to provide an understanding of the key requirements and intentions of the CRS regime, and how to incorporate them as part of a strategic compliance operating model.
Language: English
US $1099.00

Certified Documentary Credits Expert (CDCE)

Admission Criteria: Minimum of 5 years in a senior role in trade finance, with extensive experience in documentary credits. OR Completion of the ICC CTFP certification or UCP Specialist certification or equivalent advanced-level certification (such as LIBF CDCS) OR Case by case basis, as recommended by applicant’s company, ICC National Committees or other ICC’s affiliated entities
Language: English
US $1499.00

Certified Trade Finance Professional (CTFP)

The Certified Trade Finance Professional (CTFP) is an advanced level online certification providing in-depth knowledge of trade finance products. Using case studies and with an emphasis on analysis of real-world scenarios, the certificate includes an intensive online programme and focuses on key trade finance products, techniques and compliance issues.
Language: English
US $749.00

Certified Trade Finance Professional (For GTC and CDCS Holders)

We've made it faster and cheaper for holders of the ICC Academy's GTC or LIBF's CDCS, CDSG or CITF certifications to achieve the full CTFP certification
Language: English
US $150.00

Descripción general del comercio internacional

Este curso las prácticas y procedimientos en las ventas de exportación y el proceso de comercio internacional, además de esbozar la secuencia de acontecimientos en una transacción de comercio internacional.
Language: Español - Internacional ‎(es)‎
US $200.00

Digital Trade Finance & Fintechs

The Digital Trade Finance course will provide you with an overview of the Digital Trade Finance/Digital Commerce world including the advent of Fintechs, the legal, regulatory & commercialisation challenges involved, and describe broad ranged trends and solutions that are available to support international trade.
US $150.00

Dispositivos de Financiamiento y Seguridad

Este curso ofrece una amplia visión de los distintos instrumentos de pago, incluido el muy utilizado Crédito Documentario (también conocido como "carta de crédito") y las normas internacionales que los rigen.
Language: Español - Internacional ‎(es)‎
US $ 299.00

Documentary Credits Course Bundle

If your job requires you to regularly deal with documentary credits (letters of credit) or if you want to specialize in this field, then ICC Academy’s documentary credit bundle is an excellent option. This bundle combines both our introductory and advanced courses on documentary credits and will help go from a foundational to advanced level in 8 hours of online learning
Language: English